Friday, April 15, 2016

#WritersLife: Camp NaNoWriMo 2016 Update

#WritersLife: Amber the Blonde Writer

#WritersLife, where I talk writing in real life.

Camp NaNoWriMo has gone in a way I did not expect and is proving to be a mixture of joyful and frustrating moments. I'm pleased.

Cons of my Camp NaNoWriMo 2016 Experience

I am currently at 12,478 words. Where should I be as of April 15? At 22,500 words.

I'm behind, but that's my fault.

I have organized a way to fit my manuscript reading for the lit agency in between my work hours, so that's not the problem. The distraction comes from me trying to focus on things that are just as important as my writing.

I'm job hunting in the middle of baby NaNo.

My internship ends the first week of June (I think; it could be last week of May). So I've been looking for new work since March. I got my first interview on April 1, and my next will be April 22. All this traveling means less time to write, but it's still important so it's okay.

For those who follow me on Twitter, you may have seen my cries for help as I shamelessly promoted my online portfolio. That will probably continue until I sign new employment papers, so I'm offering a friendly warning to be prepared for those Tweets.

But alas! I discovered something amid the chaos!

Camp NaNoWriMo {articipant 2016 - Amber the Blonde Writer

Pros of my Camp NaNoWriMo 2016 Experience

The darling Rae, whom you all should follow and shower with love, tweeted some time ago about a blog post that talked about creating a DIY Writer's Retreat

The summary is this: reserve a hotel room for one or two nights, don't ask for the WiFi password, and write and work until you check out of the hotel (but the full article is very eloquent so check it out).

I decided to try it out at home this weekend to 1) save money and 2) because I had a four day weekend from work so Friday and Monday the house was empty.

Friday, April 8, I wrote 4.3K words. Monday, April 11, I wrote 3.1K words.

I average 1,200~ words per hour during my rewrite session because I have to care about which words I choose, whereas during NaNoWriMo 2015 I was averaging 1,000~ words every half hour (#1K30 on Twitter). When I sit down and close all my sessions and treat myself like I'm on a retreat, things got done.

I didn't call back my car insurance agency about my quote although I promise to do that...this week. I finished my manuscripts by Thursday so I wouldn't be tempted to read instead of write. And Monday I put down The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski to write those 3,000 words.

Because of this, I want to try to plan out sessions throughout the week. My day off is usually Monday and then if I can carve out alone time on Saturday that would give me at least two. 

My goal is to write 1,800 to 2,000 words a day to catch up, and then use sessions days until the end of the month. 

How's Camp going for you guys?

Updated Stats for Camp NaNoWriMo 2016

Start: April 1, 2016
End: April 30, 2016
Daily word count goal: 1,500 words (same as my original revision goal)
Actual average daily word count: 891 words
Current novel word count: 12,478 words
Projected end count: 70,600 words
Projected cups of tea: 55-70 cups
Current cups of tea: 35 cups

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